U Visa Victories

In the past few months, we have had more than 20 U visa success stories. The cases range from complex cases involving applicants with final removal orders from the Immigration Court to those whose qualifying incident involved Ex-Parte No Contact Orders and Order for Protection. For the clients, this has been life-changing event for themselves, spouse and children.

U visa is a special type of visa created to provide immigration status to those who have been victims of certain crimes and who co-operated in the investigation or prosecution of the crime.

In one of the more interesting stories, a client had an Order for Protection against an ex-boyfriend from a few years ago. She came to our office because her husband was arrested by the Immigration Service and was in removal proceedings before the Immigration Judge. We were able to use records from the Order for Protection to make a U visa case for her. Her case was approved. Her husband’s case was also approved. The removal case was terminated, meaning that he is now free to live and work in the United States. We were also able to reunite her with her two children, whom she left in her home country more than 10 years ago when she set out to come to the United States. As a U visa holder, one she was eligible to bring her minor children into the United States. The children are now dealing with cold Minnesota weather.

At Paschal Nwokocha Law offices, we strive to open immigration doors to our clients. If you or someone you know has been a victim of crime, and the person is present in the United States without immigration status, we strongly encourage the person to talk to knowledgeable immigration attorneys. Out of the agony, there may be opportunities around the corner.